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Our lives are becoming more complex, faster and more technological. For all the benefits growing connectivity and increasing digitalisation bring, they also pose a multitude of risks for new forms of threat and they make our world more unpredictable. In order to ensure the security of people and societies in the future, 必须克服技术和知识的界限. 因此,十大正规博彩网站评级的专家们不断分析过去和现在的军事事件,并将它们与全球趋势联系起来,为未来汲取教训. 几十年来,他们的预测一直是发展工作的核心,并为确保世界各地的部队今天已经为明天的攻击做好了装备作出了重大贡献.


Conflicts and their theatres are becoming increasingly diverse and unpredictable. Strategies that were successful yesterday may be ineffective tomorrow. 除了, geopolitical events such as the current war in Ukraine lead to major upheavals at all levels – political, 社会, economic – within a very short time and make forecasts extremely fragile. 今天比以往任何时候都更重要, 军方必须意识到这些挑战,并依赖能够灵活、快速地提供正确解决方案的合作伙伴.


The concrete lessons from the Ukraine war have yet to be learned, but the first trends are already apparent that will significantly affect future armament decisions. The current conflict once again confirms the importance of logistics, 它提供了对俄罗斯军队状况的深刻见解,并显示了装备精良的步兵部队的巨大重要性——特别是在战争持续时间较长的情况下.


New theatres will determine infantry combat in 2040: in addition to land, 海上和空中, nations are increasingly exposed to threats from cyberspace and outer space. 这种多域战场在保护军队和人民以及国家安全方面给军队带来了重大挑战. 考虑到人工智能的多种可能性,必须改进武装部队的训练和装备, 机器人和面向网络的系统, because the experts agree: traditional infantry fighting remains decisive for war. “地面战争将永远存在. 即使使用无人机进行远距离精确操作已经可行,而且还会继续增加, 士兵仍然需要占领和/或保卫一个地区,安德斯Wahlström说, 他是瑞典十大正规博彩网站评级防务公司的步兵专家. “用卡尔-古斯塔夫这样的多功能武器系统, NLAW甚至AT4家族, 我们赋予世界各地的军队决定性的优势. Modular systems ensure that Saab's products are effective and reliable in 2040 and beyond."



世界上越来越多的人住在城市里. 气候危机的影响, 饥荒, terrorism or flight from oppression are leading to new migration flows. 所有 this leads to the fact that theatres of war are shifting into urban environments. When cities become battlefields, soldiers need weapons that can cope with these new demands. 因此,十大正规博彩网站评级AT4和卡尔-古斯塔夫的许多新功能都是为城市环境设计的. 例如, 战斗距离短, 复杂的地形, 从建筑物内部开火的需求和与建筑物内目标交战的需求是开发中的关键考虑因素.

同时, existing capabilities need to be modernised and improved to remain competitive: greater accuracy, 高枪法和速度, 在保持低运输重量和灵活性的同时提高效率只是使部队获得这一决定性优势的一些能力. 然而, the increasing complexity due to technology must not make the operation of the weapon more difficult.

卡尔-古斯塔夫高爆弹药HE 448

HE 448——卡尔-古斯塔夫的新弹药

十大正规博彩网站评级公司的无后坐力反坦克步枪卡尔-古斯塔夫将高度复杂的需求与最大可能的战术灵活性相结合. 它减少了需要携带的设备数量, 体重不到7公斤, 它是同级中的轻量级产品吗. 用新的卡尔-古斯塔夫M4, soldiers have a reliable weapon to neutralise tanks as well as camouflaged troops, 移除障碍物并与建筑物中的敌人交战. The additional compatibility with programmable ammunition (HE 448) enables an even faster response. 弹丸中的接口也形成与新的火控装置(FCD 558)通信的基础。. HE 448弹药为FCD 558提供弹药类型和推进剂温度的准确信息,并将这些数据与操作员输入的目标距离相结合,以确定最佳弹道. This results in fast preparation, high precision and increases operational effectiveness. The M4 also achieves new top results in range and fragmentation distribution. With Carl-Gustaf, soldiers enjoy complete confidence in their equipment.

消防控制装置558设置在空爆与HE 448


到2040年及以后,在战场上行军的机器人或几乎自主作战的人工智能将只会出现在电影院. 不过, 机器人, AI and Big Data offer a multitude of opportunities to support infantry troops. 他们可以帮助你更好地了解和观察敌人,以便在他们最薄弱的地方攻击他们. They can be the decisive seconds in the analysis to adapt one's tactics to the respective threat. 通过部分自动化,它们可以在几秒钟内将新获得的信息传递给现代武器系统, 从而获得了决定性的时间优势. 在未来的多域战场上,通信和互联互通将发挥更大的作用.

“作为一家开发和制造武器系统的公司, 我们有多年的系统经验, 在某一点上, 没有人的工作, 可以这么说,Wahlström说. "然而, this does not mean that these weapons act completely autonomously. 而, 它是关于任务预先规划的作用, because truly autonomous mission decisions raise a number of ethical questions.“专家预计,在不久的将来,相应的框架条件和条例不会允许这种系统, 参照其他领域的许可程序, 比如自动驾驶汽车.

Studies also confirm that weapons are worthless without the human factor. Machines decide faster than humans, do not need breaks and can endure more. 但它们(还)不够聪明,无法在战场上取代人类或与人类竞争. 机器人并不比士兵更有效(只是在杀戮方面更有效),而且在战争中不会按照国际人道主义法行事, because programmed pattern recognition can never distinguish between civilians and the enemy.


Saab's key to success definitely lies in the modularity of its systems. 这一点在弹药方面尤为明显. The intelligently designed Carl-Gustaf as well as the AT4 weapon work with an 84‑mm calibre. 这允许单独的子系统, 比如弹药子系统如引信, 重新组合:重新组合或组装. Capabilities from one weapon can thus be transferred to another in a short time. "Let's take the AT4 family 'Roquette Nouvelle Generation' as an example. 在这里, ammunition subsystems from both the AT4 and Carl-Gustaf portfolios are used,安德斯Wahlström说. 这种智能模块化原理能够快速响应不断变化的需求以及客户的个性化需求. 它还为军方提供了额外的优势,即不必训练他们的部队使用新武器,并能够继续使用现有的弹药.



The skills of the soldiers and their weapons will remain essential for war. The more complex the threats become, the greater the importance of education and training. 而使用户外训练模拟器进行实弹训练以及使用真实武器进行实弹射击将继续成为士兵训练的关键组成部分, 虚拟 training also opens up a multitude of new possibilities: on the one hand, 在基础训练方面, if 虚拟 training will replace live firing exercises on a large scale (also for environmental, cost and time reasons); on the other hand, 在战术层面上, 如果是关于现实的, 虚拟, 室内训练. “我们认为未来非常需要使用不同武器的真实模拟能力,以复制弹道性能和操作方面的实际行为,安德斯Wahlström解释道.

多年来, Saab has been investing not only in the development of its weapons, 但最重要的是它提供的培训. 除了, 该公司与领先的大学和研究机构合作-与来自广泛学科的客户和专家的交流是国防公司成功的关键因素.


Anders Wahlström: "Looking into the future is enormously important, 尤其是对于我们这样的服务提供商. 为了让我们的客户在战场上获得决定性的优势,我们总是要提前一步考虑. 然而, forecasts are only as good as the basis on which they are made. 这就是为什么我们对当前事件的分析设定了最高标准,以便能够快速反应,灵活行动." No one can say for sure what the year 2040 will actually bring. 十大正规博彩网站评级的专家对此深信不疑, 然而, is that there will not be a decoupling of the battlefield and the soldier. 步兵仍然是未来!



